We've Been Warned Many prophets, seers and visionaries such as Edgar Cayce, Nostradamus and the children of the Fatima Prophecies tell us that we are at the cusp of history. And perhaps, they are telling to that unless we wish to go the way of the Brontosaurus that we better wake up and take action. 有很多預言,好像EDGAR CAYCE、諾氏、法蒂瑪大預言,都告訢我們人類現正站在歷史的最未端。又或者他們在警告我們如果不想像雷龍一樣滅亡,最好馬上行動。
For the sake of argument, let's take a brief look at Nostradamus. By many accounts, he warns us that some event surrounding Mars will herald a dark and deadly passage for our species. In his most recently quoted quatrain, 10:72, Nostradamus tells us: 讓我們看看這諾氏預言,根據眾多估計,諾氏是在警告我們,當火星附近出現一些現象時,這現象就是為人類文明預示著一條黑暗死亡的道路。在最常被引用的四行詩(十章七十二節)諾氏告訢我們......
In the year 1999 and seven months, The Great King of Terror will come from the sky. He will bring back to life the great king of Angolmois, Before and after Mars reigns happily. This quatrain has stirred a tremendous debate within the Internet community at large, and two statements from this quatrain can be literally interpreted: 這四行詩卷入了互聯網社群,引起重大爭議。當中有兩句重要句子其實可以毫不誇張地照字面解讀。
The Time Frame: "In the year 1999 and seven months," which can literally mean July 2000. 時間:「在年一九九九第七月」其實可以解作二零零零年七月。
The Planet Mars: "Before and after Mars reigns happily." This is generally interpreted as meaning that Mars; the God of war, will reign happily before and after the event. But, the literal aspect here, is that Nostradamus intentionally uses the formal noun "Mars." 火星:「在之前和之後火星會快樂地統治」火星通常被解作戰神,「在這事情發生的前後(恐怖大王)戰神會快樂地主宰著」但如果照字面解釋,諾氏會否有意地指一個名詞──火星。
Is Nostradamus, (like many other noted prophets, seers and visionaries) telling us that the events surrounding Mars this summer will herald the end of civilization as we know it, or are they simply sending us an emphatic wake up call? Who knows? But there is much more to this story than the writings of Nostradamus. 諾氏是否要告訢我們今年夏天,火星附近的現象(有一粒彗星76/P有可能撞向火星),會預示著我們認識的文明之死亡,又或者諾氏只是用強烈措詞嚇我們,讓我們警醒?沒有人知道答案....... (接下來的內容大致說地球如何漸漸走向死亡和火星如何為我們帶來希望,好像叫大家要馬上移民火星似的。) 但是我還是認為時間上會是今年十月左右。在今年十月之前會發生第三次世界大戰,有人在十月動用有核彈頭的彈導飛彈,而且其間大陸會攻打台灣。我的估計是否太大膽?
(引用 http://www.taconet.com.tw/AdTaconet/-4491c5c3aa2f4610630508b037daea08%7C1238995493-/dynamic_frame.htm?sid=inquisit/bc17.htm&TACO=4491c5c3aa2f4610630508b037daea08|1238995493 ) |