The female world ( 寫大白貓咪 當年的處境 )
The female world
Pregnant I am on the street but still roaming and wandering
The babies in my belly are rapidly moving
And soon they are expecting
And are going to come to the world filled with struggling and suffering.
Roaming and wandering, suddenly I remember those fingers
That once touched and stroke my furs
That fed me when I was hungry.
Dragging my swollen body, I, to their yard
The slim-she saw me and gave me some “crackling beans.”
The plump-she saw me and sometimes, I gained a head of fish, which is my favorite.
But not all of these are what I really crave for.
A cozy, safe place is needed for my babies are coming
For my babies are coming
I saw my brother being at their home, so I infer I could be there too.
But I was shut outside of the door, I wander and I wonder.
Why? Why? Why cannot I be allowed to be loved by thee?
Why can my brother being at your home? Why cannot I, a mother-to-be?
( 女兒 2007 寫大白貓咪 的處境 ) 見她 流浪 心生悲憫 。後來我努力說服另一半, 收養了大白媽咪和她女兒 毛毛。大白在我家頤養天年到 2012 。
下一篇:佳文共賞---蝸牛輓歌( 張錯)
說到哭。 我動了惻隱之心,遊說另一半讓我們收養。那過程好艱辛。現在剩下毛毛了。我們視為家中一分子,也很疼愛。
是女兒寫的。我也讀到動容。尤其 最後以問句叩問人類。 2017-06-02 17:46:31