2019-09-11 10:50:06lrvlp7177tjn

【經典產品】LeBron 16 - 12401122 好康平台發燒好康


可是買了房子後,才發現家裡需要 LeBron 16 - 12401122

不然沒有LeBron 16 - 12401122實在是有點不方便,在網路上比價找了許久,終於發現便宜的LeBron 16 - 12401122

附上連結給有需要LeBron 16 - 12401122的人哦XD











LeBron 16 籃球鞋兼顧支撐力、衝擊緩震、迅捷靈敏度等強大機能,專為場上強悍絕倫的球員設計。鞋舌和鞋帶的設計方便穿著和自行調整貼合度,可在有需要時加強穩定足部;但如果想寬鬆自在地穿著,當然也沒問題。


BattleKnit 2.0 是專為 LeBron 設計的 Flyknit 材質,輕&開店送禮推薦#x76C8;但格外強韌,且可帶來精準到位的支撐力。


結合式 Max Air 與 Zoom Air 緩震系統可有效吸收重步落地帶來的衝擊,並以具爆發力的能量回傳機能提供優異的回彈效果。深刻溝紋,以確保無論場上或場下都能擁有無比彈性。




  • 鞋舌經典圖案,橫跨兩隻鞋子。

  • 鞋面上配置額外鞋帶孔,可用於自行調整鞋帶。

  • 深刻溝紋橡膠外底,加上改良式人字型抓地力紋路。

  • 外部腳跟穩定器,提供穩定性。

  • 襯墊鞋領,內部提供阿基里斯腱支撐效果。
  • 顯示顏色: 黑色/白色/Metallic Silver
  • 款式: AO2588-006
  • 原產國/地區: 中國


訂單金額滿新臺幣 4,500 元即享免費標準運送服務

  • 標準運送的商品可於 2-5 個工作天內送達
  • 快遞運送的商品可於 2-3 個工作天內送達

  • 標準運送的商品可於 3-6 個工作天內送達
  • 快遞運送的商品可於 3-5 個工作天內送達

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4.3 顆星

Just okay

shutitclown - Jan 26, 2019

I'm comparing them to the 15's which were one of the most comfortable shoes I have ever worn. These are much lower barely a mid, they feel heavier, the toe box seems narrower and you still have dead space at the toe when going true to size. The cushion is not even close to the 15 this shoe is much stiffer so rolling your ankle is less likely. The 15 was a little tippy this one isn't. But to me it feels like a narrow brick.

Best indoor-basketball shoes of the year!

PaulH125715806 - Jan 20, 2019

At first I wasn't entirely sure if I should the 16's...

Not only they're so expensive (190$) but also I didn't like the a single shoe in the LeBron signature series except the 12's.

But when I got my self to buy them, I was shocked how great those shoes are on court.

As a wing player you need tight shoes so you can run without worrying about tripping.

The shoes are crazy comfortable but run very (very) tight, so it's gonna be very hot.

I can't really feel the zoom but the Air unit makes you high up off the ground so it is easy for experienced players to lose balance, other than that the materials are awesome!

I think I've never seen such great traction on a signature shoe.

The cushion is basic but the rubber is very strong.

I really like the shoe and if you're willing to spend 185$ on a shoe than I advise you to buy 'em.

5 Stars.

P.S. the colorways are literally incredible!


Good_Days - Oct 10, 2018

Overall, this shoe is nice. Looks good, feels great and lower to the ground. I haven't balled in these yet. I wear them to work. I walk alot. Waiting to use them indoor on the hardwood. Also this battle net feels even stronger. Still like a sock but a more of a shoe now. You have to add this to your collection




LeBron 16 - 12401122 討論,推薦,開箱,CP值,熱賣,團購,便宜,優惠,介紹,排行,精選,特價,周年慶,體驗,限時




臨場失誤多 Rex止步《星海爭霸II》WCS冬季賽16強

[新頭殼newtalk] 在今(15)日進行的《星海爭霸II》WCS冬季賽16強賽事中,台灣選手Rex面對同組選手Scarlett與Cham,在臨場失誤較多的情況下未能發揮實力,最後飲恨止步16強。在本次16強賽中堪稱「死亡小組」的A組有著去年WCS全球總冠軍賽8強的SpeCial以及「刀鋒女皇」Scarlett及墨西哥蟲族好手Cham,最後A組由Scarlett與Cham成功出線晉級8強。

影/女星全裸玩色誘 不清場一次搞定






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