2008-04-08 12:41:47賴約[色]

[賴帥]Just between us

-you need some company in there?i could be late for work!

-yeh?well i can’t.

-you know,i NEVER complain about we dont get to sleep tgther on sundays.

-excuse me?you complain every single weekend.

-alright but its not complaining its just i wanna stay in bed with you.

-Right... sorry,Wesley wants to see me.

-.... are you in trouble?

-now why would i be in trouble?

-hmm me,and you,i mean you and me?

-look,my sexuality isnt an issue,they are completely open.no idea what this meeting is about.

-so maybe you’re getting a promotion?maybe chef designer?or a buyer?

-buyer..we dont have a buyer!

-so no ring?


-what about a new robe though? or at least a new sexy thong for you?

-you know you’re an idiot.

-i know,but i’m your idiot.
露露露露 2008-04-19 04:10:43

哈哈哈 quotation你好你好還是我 很經典 哈哈

賴約[色] 2008-04-14 19:13:15


Yi 2008-04-14 19:04:23
