2005-03-15 23:56:32❤ Rach❤

today after school will cut my hair ,, oh ya ♥

today will be cut my hair about pm 5:30,,
Im so happy,, i need take my money and
pic for my hair,, ♥,,
i wanna cut a cutie hair,, and go to
disneyland,, but i dont know how much,,
wish me can cut a good hair,, for u guys
see,, today is Tuesday,, i dont like it,,
cuz i want today is thursday,, i can see
u guys,, oh ya !!!! Cindy was told me
about my host family yesterday,, I dont
know about that family,, so i need ask
Cindy wed,, pray i can get a perfect family
dont let me cry again,, ><” I want to happy
this year,, and my Jeannie said,, they already
choice another student,, cuz they dont want
to taiwan people again,, gees ><”
i need call Angela tomorrow,, ^^”