
doTERRA Canada May 2019 Product Promotions and Specials
一、 Save 10% In May(Save 10% OFF)-2019年5月九折主打星- 10 % Discount Product in May 2019:doTERRA® Anti Aging Eye Cream (dōTERRA Essential Skin Care Eye Cream) 抗皺緊緻眼霜15ml。
二、LLV Enrollment Promotion~新人入會促銷Get the doTERRA Lifelong Vitality Pack® for FREE!(100 PV Lifelong Vitality)新加入doTERRA USA&Canada多特瑞美國和加拿大會員(Wellness Advocate 獨立產品顧問/WA健康倡導者會員 or Wholesale Membership優惠顧客/ Wholesale Customer愛用會員)在5月購買100PV入會訂單,並於6月完成100PV LRP忠誠顧客獎勵計劃訂單,就可免費獲得dōTERRA Lifelong Vitality™ Convenience Pack每日營養保健套裝(每日保健活動套裝)三件組合!*購買免入會費的大套組還有機會LRP快速跳%回饋點數及贈送點數可兌換產品)
Sign up and place a 100 PV enrollment order in May, then place a 100 PV Loyalty Rewards order in June, and receive a free Lifelong Vitality Pack with your qualifying 100 PV LRP order!
三、Save 20 % in May 2019-Daily Health Habits Collection養成每日健康習慣套組限時八折促銷。
四、New Products(New Releases)新品限量上市- CA Father's Day Collection 2019 will be available May 24th!父親節精油擴香套裝5/24開賣
CA Father's Day Collection 19
Aroma Clip Diffuser (Aroma Clip car diffuser) With Island Mint Blend 15 mL 多用途不銹鋼夾擴香器與薄荷綠洲複方精油15毫升。(每帳號限購4組)
Island Mint essential oil and the Aroma Clip car diffuser! Limit 4 per account per household.
五、Limited Time Offer ~限量促銷售完即止
1.10ml Aspire Blend Essential Oil渴望複方精油
2. Bamboo Box (double drawer) 豪華竹製三層精油收納盒
3. Bamboo Box (single drawer) 豪華竹製雙層精油收納盒
2019.05.19澳洲RAFA高階芳療師 吳小貓彙整
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