Comment of the Gorgon's Head
When it comes to the tale” The Gorgon’s Head”, the first thing associated is how Perseus beheads Medusa .However, there is still something to be discussed.
Some versions say that, Medusa, meaning sovereign female wisdom,’ is originally a beautiful female. One day, Medusa is raped by Poseidon in Athena’s temple. Athena charged that such behavior blaspheme the temple, so she punishes Medusa by twisting her lovely feature and by turning her beautiful hair into sakes. Hence Medusa utilizes her influential and terrible glimpses to transform whoever looking at her into stones; this is to be a vengeance.
In this case, Poseidom is not punished a all for his wrongdoing. It seems that female is repressed in the patriarchal system. The beheading of Medusa reveals the patriarchal norm that women can be virgins, wives, and mothers only. Traditional female images are reconfirmed in this mythic story.
-By Ryan Chen