2010-01-20 17:07:46愛張仔

Dont sweet talk me

I was bored tonight and want to find someone to feed me. Unfortunately, everyone is not available, and then I see how guys can sweet talk you but they are actually not that crazy about you.

He said he's not over me yet, he missed me.
When I asked him to have dinner together, he was like oh I have plan already, can't make it today.
Ok, I know you are trying to get over me, so stop saying you are not over me yet. If you are not over me, you will cancel your friend and take me out to dinner.


He said he will help me with anything, he will do anything for me, he ask me everyday when can he see me. He told me there's a girl likes him, but he just want me bc I'm the best.
I asked him to do dinner together.
He said oh the girl called, what shld I do? She wants to go c movie tonite.
I said then go. So he went.
Thought he was crazy about me. Maybe he was just bored bc he has too much time and the other option hasn't came up yet.
Don't talk like you can do anything for me if you can't decide to have dinner with me or see a movie w another girl.

You sugar-coated liars.