2010-01-18 15:48:41愛張仔


Was so weird. I was mad at him bc I wanted to eat Sushi and he wanted to eat Chillis and then we couldn't reach a conclusion. I was also mad at the way he talked to me. He told me that's the way he talks, he can't change it. Although he said he will try not to talk like this to me, I was still mad.
I was so mad, that I didn't have good time eating sushi.
I thought I shouldn't be serious about him bc we didn't even get along.
Then we got home, cuddled, made love and talked about books, our Dads, and other stuffs...
I really like that feeling, like being very close with someone.
Now he left, I don't feel close with him anymore. I miss him.
It's like, oh we got back to our own world again, our world is not connecting, overlapping. I go back to my friends, partime job and he goes back to his, the part I don't know about.
Felt so close to him and yet so far now.
He's not crazy about me like other guys. Maybe just bc I can't resist the temptation being attractive to him.
I shouldn't though.
I'm gona get hurt.