2010-01-04 15:48:31愛張仔

Can't help but like him

I was upset he didn't call or text me during New Year's Eve and thought he didn't care about me. I was upset and thought he was not serious about me, doesn't care about me, so I decided to take a step backward, not to stay over at his place, no sex anymore.
Then he called, said he's gona give me a surprise and said he's gona pick me up.
Weak as I am. I said yes.
He took me to the thing where the floats go after the Pasadena Rose Parade. It was fun and the floats are cute.
I was happy that he took me out. I was also charmed by his cute personality, also physical attraction, too. :P
He's fun, like a kid and sometimes acted kind of rude and stupid intentionally as a joke. So cute!
I complained he didn't call me during New Year's Eve, and being sarcastic that he might spent with another girl, he said he's cell ran out of battery and there's no other girl but me. I hope that's true. I will be sad if it's not.
There was no commitment. The closest thing we talk were probly he said there's no other one only me and he's not kissing another person. (Did he actually said he's not gona kiss another person? He probly said he didn't. )
We did talk about if I kiss another guy would he be mad, he said for sure. He asked me the same and I answered the same. I said, I will try not to. He said thank you, he appreciate it.
He said he did miss me. He said the last girl broke up with him bc he didn't miss her when he was in Mexico, she think he wasn't serious about her. I guess he tried to hint he cares about me, a least a bit.
When we were on his bed, he wanted me to hug him all the time. It was very cute. Whenever I turned, he got my hands and made me hug him again. My buttlock was kind of uncomfortable because that position, but he was so cute, I didn't want to refuse him. So the whole night was like this: I hold him sleeping, I felt uncomfortable, and I turned around. He caught me back to hold me.  I hold him sleeping, I felt uncomfortable, and I turned around. He caught me back to hold me.....
He was so cute though. I never seen any guy who was like this. Need so much hugs and attention. It was often the opposite way. I actual like it!
Dono if it's just him, or I changed. I used to give guys a lot of attention, but now I learned to do my own thing, learned to control my affection.
He said he doesn't hug every women that much. Dono if it's true.
Oh well, maybe it's just the begining. They are like this, only hot in the beginning.
It was really nice though.
He took me to fine dining. We ordered very little but the food was delicate and the decor good. We usually get some wine at restros.
It feel totally differently dating with Asian.
He took me to Spanish, American, Italian.... the nice restaurants I would never go by myself. Or it's just bc it's in Santa Monica, I dono, it felts pretty romantic.
We took a walked last night after we ate. The weather was really nice, it was warm. We walked around the beach and talked. Looked at the ferry wheels and roller coaster on the pier.Looked at the ferry wheels and roller coaster on the pier.
We made love. Too much for me though. I wasn't super excited, he's not bad, but I need more foreplay.
We went for a walk and then go shopping at 3rd street. The weahter was so good for Jan. Was hot. Was so nice seeing people excercising the beach, walking around. We ate at 3rd street. Was fun looking at people. I also liked he introduced me places, so I felt closer to Santa Monica. Before Santa Monica for me was just another beach city where I don't go very often. Now I feel a bit closer. All of this is kind of new for me.
After we went back, we watched the video he took on TV, was fun. The ones he took in Chicago with his family was really cute, I can tell he really likes kids.  he liked to play with his newphew. and he's really playful himself. The videos are lovely. The ones we took today in Santa Monica and Pasadena were cute too. I liked the one he kissed me the most. :)
Cant help but liking him.
I also like that we can talk, we talked a lot these two days. :)