2009-12-26 01:35:51愛張仔

Merry Xmas

Now I don't regret spent Christmas Eve with him.
He invited me 2 days ago and I did not wait and said yes. I thought I was stupid, I thought he waited two days b4 to ask me bc he did not care. I thought he's probly a playboy.
When I saw him, he smiled at me, looked like he was happy to see me. We hugged,and kissed. He showed me the gift his mom gave him, it's a Xmas stocking. A lot of kids stuff, it's cute. He said he got me something, he noticed I really like it.
I was suprised, and was looking forward to open it. It was light, so I thought might be jewlery or sth.
It was a piece of bubble paper. (I coudln't stop playing it last time I was at his apt)
I kept hitting him on the shoulder! He even wrapped it as a gift!
He said he got me something else. He got two other wrapped gifts under the tree, and then another two.
He gave me four gifts. :D
So I opened four idividual gifts.
A black blouse, cute.
A scarf, was ok.
A skirt, cute and sexy.
A necklace, ok. He said if I didnt like it he will give it to the women in his family, so I didn't take the necklace.
I was happy and am happy:)
I thought he didnt want to spent Xmas w me bc I asked whats his plan b4 and he never told me. But he invited me and got me gifts, that means he planned it. Imagine a big guy going around mall to buy me blouse, top, scarf and necklace... :) so cute!
I really like him!
I asked him what was the first impression he saw me. He said, not sure.
I was like, so are u sure now? I meant like, so what do u think about me now, but it came out kind of like asking for commitment.
I know he didnt want to confront with the "are you sure" question. After I explained, he said he likes me, he thought I was cute the 1st time we met. I said the same.
I was sitting on his laps, put my legs around his waist.
So we made love again, with the BBQ smell on us.
3 times a nite, havent had so much for a long time.
I can't stop myself from liking him.
I am so happy that I get to spent Xmas eve w him.