2009-12-15 03:11:21愛張仔

Silly me

What do I like about him?
He's tall, kind of cute, very strong and thick shoulder. Very manly. He's the first white I've dated.
He's not that sweet, he doesn't compliment my outfit, look. He doesn't say he miss me, doesn't call me sweet names.
He's not that a gentleman, he cursed in front of me, he ordered whatever he liked, but not that bad. He opened the car door for me, he bought me dinner, drinks. He took me to buy a Christmas tree, the first time I went to pick a tree after I've been in the States for so long.
I guess I don't like guys flatter me too much. But I don't like guys who shows no interested in me.
When I touched him with icy cold hands, he's like fuck, that's really cold.
I was upset, so I backed at him, and said he cursed me.
He didn't say anything, just hug me and put my cold hands in his body.
So I forgave him, isn't it silly?
He doesn't know much about me, I don't know much about him. I know he must has facebook, I didn't ask for it, although I kind of want to know more about him.
I asked if he's sleeping with other people, he said no.
I was relieved. I will end it if he's sleeping with others 2.
I'm not ready to have a bf, he apparently isn't, either.
I asked about his coming Bday and Christmas, he apparently doesn't plan to spent with me. I think I am silly.
What do I expect?
I am looking just to date him. But I am silly.
Maybe if I don't make love with him I won't have expectation and won't think about him 2 much.