2007-08-27 22:17:25。酷 酷。
Aries 〈牡羊〉
Arian are impulsive , unpredictable , and full of energy .
It’s difficult for them to finish one task , since they
are often intrigued by what’sgoing to happen next .
They are warm - spirited people , always full of life ,
and confident in everything they attempt . They possess
an overdose of energy , creativity , and enthusiasm ,
and , as a result , they have power over the people
around them .
這是我打ㄉ 有關於牡羊
看的懂的話 就代表你不錯啦!XDD
有興趣的就可以慢慢看 你會發覺更多ㄉ英文單字喲!
沒沒興趣的.. 那就別看囉
下一篇:= 口= 天呀