2011-04-05 11:43:35I hate gemmeni




The Midas Touch

When this card appears in your reading, be loving to the people around you and turn your back on greed. Appreciate the simple and beautiful things in life by realizing that all that glitters is not gold. The gentle touch of a loved one may be more important than making money or struggling to earn a promotion. Balance out your life. Trust your intuitive judgment over cold logic. Weigh your decisions carefully to avoid harming yourself and the people you love.
Traditional tarot archetype: Justice
Zodiacal ruler: Libra

自己翻譯看看 當你閱讀這一張卡片,你是被人們愛著與圍繞的,並且你放棄貪心。感謝生命中簡單與美麗的事物而不是金錢與努力的追求成名。平衡你的生活,透過冷靜的邏輯相信直覺與判斷。小心的做決定以免傷害了自己與你愛的人。