2007-05-18 13:09:25小智障,,))董咩♥

☺► True love.◄♡

Happiness is needs to feel attentively that the love most romantic part, is the extraordinariness which two people altogether have, actually love needs the mastication slowly to savor, cannot withstand the mastication love, does not have the means to accumulate the happy taste, may move to soul love lets you be very unforgettable surely, may chew to the happy love lets you very be warm, likes a person is one kind of feeling certainly, does not like a person is actually the fact, the fact is very easy to explain, felt actually with difficulty explains, can find reason this which is unable to explain is the true love.
阿樂. 2007-05-20 20:46:40

謝妳 :d`


謝什麼嘛 !! 真是的 ,,
大家都是同圈內的人阿 ,, 何必那麼的
客氣呢 !! 你說是巴 ^________^ !!

什麼東西真好阿 ?? (笑) ,,
2007-05-20 21:31:12