2007-04-23 22:04:11×飛翔∞兔兔♥
* ~ 喜歡一個人 真的有這麼難嘛 ~ *
Is such feeling good unendurable we all continuously like this to get
down not to want such feeling
I good like your me being good want to follow with you in the
same place
Good wants to return to that day your family’s that late that
night to me to say again is a count for much day
down not to want such feeling
I good like your me being good want to follow with you in the
same place
Good wants to return to that day your family’s that late that
night to me to say again is a count for much day
上一篇: */*/ 時間總是讓人難敖 /*/*
下一篇:/* 點名嚕 /*
2007-04-24 20:08:14
OKㄉ 我會去啊ㄌ!! 你也常來餒 不來 我就打你的小屁屁 2007-07-24 01:49:27
喜歡一個人很難嗎? 或許是吧!!!記得來我ㄉ爆台留言啦~感謝妳囉!
呵呵 = = 你也感受到了吧!!OKㄉ 我會去啊ㄌ!! 你也常來餒 不來 我就打你的小屁屁 2007-07-24 01:49:27
靠北= ="
都看不懂= ="
你就看 主題就好了 !! OKㄉ 2007-07-24 01:44:54