2004-10-08 07:16:29JLM

Prayer Habits (2)

When you pray.--Matthew 6:5 NIV

The America's Cup team from New Zealand practiced for 2 years, 6 days a
week, 8 hours a day, and brought sailing to a new level. People who are
serious about something always make room for it in their schedule. When
the disciples asked Jesus about prayer, He began by saying, "When you
pray." He assumed they'd have a regular time for prayer. Could He assume
that about you?

He also said, "When you pray, go into your room, close the door" (
Matthew 6:6 NIV). Why the emphasis on privacy? Because voices, noise,
music, phones, computers, TV, kids, dogs, birds - even a ticking clock
can cause you to lose your concentration. So He counselled, "Don't
bother fighting distractions because you'll lose. Just find a quiet
place where you can pray without interruption."

But there's another reason: once you identify your "secret place" and
begin to use it regularly, a kind of aura surrounds it. Married couples
often have a favourite restaurant where they go for important nights
out; they love its atmosphere; its memories draw them back like a
magnet. It's easy to be open and intimate there. And when you create
such a meeting place with God, you'll look forward to going there too.
You'll grow to love it and eventually it'll become the most important
place in your life. "When should I go there?" you ask. In the morning if
you're a lark; at night if you're an owl! In other words, when you can
really "get into it."