2014-04-15 21:10:15~凌凌~

張韶涵 討好 Official MV

討好 Pleasing

我不會討好 像個寵物般撒嬌 
I don't know how to please, how to act adorably
But for every bit you devote, I repay with ten times more
I may not be the brightest
但愛也不需要處處耍盡心機 那又何必
but there's no need to play mind games, why bother

我不要求你 為我改變姓或名 
I do not ask for you to change your name for me
I just hope we can be true to each other 
If you're tired of it then just tell me
請不要給我所謂你仁慈的客氣 那又何必
Don't give me that merciful tone, why bother

愛都愛了 又何必討好 錯都錯了又何必求饒
We're already in love, why bother pleasing
what's done is done, why beg for mercy
你希望我像一隻貓 但你知道我做不到
You want me to be a kitten, but you know I can't
痛都痛了 又何必討好 錯都錯了又何必喧鬧
The heart is wounded , why bother pleasing
what's done is done, why bother fighting

如果愛情是場風暴 我們讓風停停好不好
If love is a windstorm, why don't we stop the wind
一直吵 一直鬧 一直放縱這煎熬
More fighting, more brawling, dragging this suffering
一點點 吞蝕曾有的美好
bit by bit, they devoured the joy we once had
我不哭 我不鬧 我們放過彼此好不好
I won't fight, I won't brawl, why don't we just let go
留一點力氣 說再見和擁抱
Save some efforts to hug and say goodbye