2004-10-15 01:58:53尚未設定

~*~*MayMay's surprise~*~*

raining =.=....rain jor whole day tim ar~*~*today went to school at 10:05p.m...changed jor time..(only today ja wo)...cos yesterday had a ng g what show...some ppl went home very late..so changed jor time~*~*
had english,child development and science~*~*those lessons had lots of work to do today=.=...finished school at 3:05p.m la~*~*
back home...nothing ho do...so online jor...and saw MayMay send to me ge offline message..she gave me a big surprise...cos she gave me a new gb...o..my god..i can't believe it...thanks her so much~*~*love die her~*~*she always dol give me d surprise>3<...when i saw her message..then i called her today...talked to her and said thx to her la~*~*talked jor about 20 mins...cos me dol ho late sin called her...heehee~*~*i did call ar chi too ga~*~*but no one answer ar~*~*maybe he slept jor ar...zzzZZZZ....luckly mo wake him up jei~*~*^^
finished talk to MayMay..then check gb..and type diary...and made my new gb gum low~*~*hahaa~*~*mo lu~*~*