2004-10-13 23:55:06尚未設定


raining again ar..shit la...hair,clothes,shoes all got wet...=.=....shit shit shit!!!went to school...had english,food technology and music...music needed to test ar...kaka~*~*but ng hard..cos played piano only ja~*~*kakaka~*~*me and LokYan dol had higher mark~*~*not bad la~*~*^^finished school at 1:50p.m...then went to my auntie's house...and visited her Baby boy~*~*he was born on 8/10 ga~*~*dol ho cute ar him*~*but unlucky...cos he is my anutie and uncle ge son...(becos lei..this uncle and auntie ho bad ga~*~*they only likes boy...=.=..and very bad for d ppl ga...including my grandmum and grandfather...no one likes them in my family)took jor some pics with the baby boy la~*~*about 3:30p.m back home lu...and at 4:00p.m online la...check gb and talked to ar b...ar b said he ho poor..sigh..gum me dol g ge=.=have d gum ge=.=....