2004-10-08 00:43:16尚未設定

~*~*Talk To My Love~*~*

sunny and cold day ar><"....cold dol....crazy jor~*~*went to school...had assembly...LokYan won jor a prize ar~*~*kakaka~*~*^^so lucky her~*~*had maths,english,child development and science ar~*~*maths,english and science had loads of work to do ar~*~*tired die me la...=.=....finiahsed school at 3:05p.m..needed to stay at school to help miss to do somethings sin gone duk.....then went to a little town...back home at 4:00p.m....back jor home..then called ar chi ar chi ar chi~*~*wakakaka~*~*miss die him*~*talked to him on the phone la..but this guy....=.=..alwways dol chun...ng chun me he will die ar i think~*~*talked jor somethings about tingung this bad guy=.=...shit him ar...suen la..cos LokYan ng LOVE tingfung no more la~*~*support LokYan forever ar me~*~*yeah yeah~*~*best sister forever~*~*>33<...really ho want to have a endless love with him~*~*~*>3<