2004-10-07 01:12:53尚未設定

~*~*boring coursework~*~*

wednesday...so half day in school...super boring in school low=.=...only did coursework..then mo la...=.=d teacher very annoying....made dol me mo mood=.=...die la them...=.=finished school...went to pay tax with LokYan la...then shopping with her~*~*kakaka~*~*bought jor d rubbish things...back home at 3:30p.m...then watched tv=.=....cos too bored=.=...then at 17:30p.m online...check gb and leave message to my love love ar chi la~*~*wakakaka~*~*ho funny and sweet ge message...ai...miss die him la>33<"tonight mum is not here..so me and LokYan needed to cook ar...wakakak~*~*we wanted jor long time ga la...cos lei..cook...ho ho play ga~*~*Wahahahaha~*~*^^too good la~*~*