2007-04-01 20:23:54Flamenco Lowewe

the taste of happiness

what’s the taste of happiness?!
you feel peaceful,calm and strong when u be with that guy.
life is too short, we have to enjoy our every single day in our life~~~

(De l’envie d’aimer).想愛的渴望

C’est tellement court, une vie.生命,實在是太短暫,

Tellement fragile aussi.也是那樣的脆弱.

Que de courrir apres le temps,我們只能在時間後面不斷追趕奔跑,

Ne laisse plus rien a vie.而沒有為自己的生命留下什麼.
lala 2007-04-16 14:43:31

life is too short, we have to enjoy our every single day in our life.

very good,I agree wiht you ^^