2003-12-04 22:08:53


keep dating with nobody new
finally, feel sick of speaking
I do love the word "SPEECHLESS"
'cause that's exactly the way you feel most of the time
I mean, after growing up

some parts in me had been claimed died
thought I hate losing them, there's just no other way
time passes, parts of you died 'n some other things get born 'n become parts of you
that's it
that's life
you could change nothing but do the choice---accept it or not
peaceful, when you choose the former
painful, the other
finally, I figured out why people feel painful most of the time

(eight hours later)
ironically, both of them hurts
the real difference lies in the time
choose the former, things are easy 'n you'll be over it soon
the later, you gotta struggle "every-single-day"
'n hardly survive