2009-06-10 22:30:57little miss super★

one big strong family (:

alot of ppl not born yet~ the youngest aunty just got married, can spot which one is jingyi? (:

all the children in father's side(: if mothers side EVEN MORE BIGGER! alot of ppl, around 70 ppl in total in my mommy's family XD this pic if add adults would be..woahhhh! there are some cousins didnt come to take this photo, they cant make it back ): i miss you guys so muchhhh! T.T

chinese new year, went to visit grandfather's grave earlier..alot of ppl didnt make it ><..this was after all of us cried.......T.T half the family here ><

today is little min min's birthday, called back singapore, aiya she at tuition lehhh >< ke xiiiii T.T
talked with 妹姑,shirley姐姐,esmond哥&明叔叔(:
ahhhhh 可惜铨哥&豪哥&min min不再啊T.T
then i suddenly miss everyone i go call the ppl in malaysia, australia, singapore and stuff T.T ESPECIALLY PO PO~i miss her laugh (;
had a talk with them, whole person feel so warm again..family is really really really special, right? (:

who cares if my sirname is weird?
if you let me choose my family now and with the weird sirname, or change a brand new family and have a good sirname, i would still choose my family now (:
im proud of my sirname, so continue to make fun of it, doesnt matter (: THEY, my FAMILY, are all that matters (:

i cant wait for the summers (:
i cant wait to see all of you guys (:
i cant wait for being released (:
i cant wait to leave here (:

leave this place filled with