2004-07-18 06:18:45細細

i m back

didn't update this diary for a while..
oh yes.. i m back.. keekeee..

working @ da botique.. u must be sleeping now...

love should only involve 2 ppl, i love you and you love me,
just as simple as that..

i dun like it when things become too complicated

when things go out of my control
i choose to leave
i won't stay in this kind of relationship
i dun see a point y i should linger on

holding on an uncertain future??
u know i won't

i won't

even if i reali love you

i won't

even if i can't live without u

i won't


goodbye my love

hey you you and you.
tell me, wut is love?
how do u know if u truely luv a person?
you. whom do u love? me or her?
you. whom do u love? me or her?
you, whom do u love? her or her?

stop saying i love u
if u dun even know who's the one u love


haf u ever wondered which hurts the most?
saying something and wishing u hadnt? or
saying nothing and wishing you had?

i guess the most important things are the hardest things to say,
don't be afaid to tell someone you love them.
if u do, they might break your heart,
if u don't, you might break theirs.

haf u ever decided not 2 become a couple becuz
u were so afraid of losing wut u already had with that person?

ur heart decides whom it likes and whom it doesn't.
u can't tell ur heart wut to do. it does it on its own.. when u least supspect it,
or even when u dun want it to.

haf u ever wanted o luv someone everything u had,
but that other person was too afraid to let you?

to omany of us stay walled up becuz too afraid to care too much
for fear that person doesn't care as much, or at all

haf u ever denied ur feelings for someone becuz
ur fear of rejection was too hard to handle?

but everytime we tell a lie,
the thing we fear grows stronger

life is all abt risls and it requires u to jump.

dun be a person who has to look back and wonder
wut they would have done, or could have had

we tell lies when we are afraid, and we don't know,
afraid of what others will think, afraid of what will be found out abt us.

wut would u do if every time u fell in love you had to say good-bye?
wut would u do if u loved someone more tan ever and u coulnd't haf them?

ppl live, but ppl die.
-----maybe it's da reason y
i insist going to see u even i knew that i shouldn't


too many questions yet to be ansewred

i found the pieces

the image is forming in my head

gimme some time

the puzzle will be solved


YOU.. can fool nobody

i know exactly wut u a trying to do

so stop it

before everybody gets hurt

real hurt

love is not a game

nor a gamble

nor a batlle

it's a feeling

a faith

a hope

there is no winner nor loser

i loved

i enjoyed

i gave all i could

i gained

u loved

u cheated

u tried to get all u could

u a gonna get hurt

nobody wants to harm u

nobody wish to hurt u

u did it u urself, u deserve it