2004-09-20 19:09:45仙姑

【Travel】Trip Schedule

<Picture >P.E.I的特色之一:紅色的泥土



當然當初在規劃整個行線時,是非常傷神的,因為怎麼排都很難預料後續的改變。因為我們一直拿捏不定要停留在Edmonton or Calgary ....因此定點的決定將大大影響到我們見不見的到小百合及Rocky Mountaion的行程,但事實証明想太多是沒用的,因為誰知道後來小百合的Home媽會好心載我們出遊呢?!

整個過程雖有小小瑕玼,但是終歸是順利而完整的。雖說旅行過程中總是會小插曲,但也相對的帶給我們不同的體驗…還是得說這真是我人生中非常特別的時日,當然也要謝謝雀兒的陪伴,憑著她機智的英文讓我們在驚險刺激的旅途中化險為抓夷,順利滴回家哩!…不過,我想以後她再也不要自助行了吧 ! 太苦哩~吃不好、睡不好、住不好!!哈哈! 不過這是她的說法啦! 本人因為第一次出國所以沒有經驗也沒得比較(和跟團的那種比較),所以覺得都是ok啦~因為在計劃一切行程時,自已彷彿就已經置身在那不同的城市,等到自已親眼所見時,ha ha 有失望也有興奮…不過,有種完成夢想的感覺喔~讚啦!只有到了最後幾天真的是太累了…兩人已不再對眼前的景色感動,這時真的是該回家了…

整個行程皆由我們自行規劃,包括訂房、交通、巴士的確認,以及當地tour的選擇,當然這一切皆要感謝網路的無遠弗界及Canada政府對當地觀光的重視,我們每到一個城市幾乎都會到當地的information Center要資料,很方便也很齊全喔!重點是tour guide都很nice的介紹喔~初步介紹行程如下,在後續的介紹中,我再一一告訴大家行程中的detail and 變化…

24-Jul Charlottetown-->Montreal 16:20-->17:00 by airplane
25-Jul Montreal
26-Jul Montreal
27-Jul Montreal-->Quebec City 9:00--> 12:15 by Orleans express
28-Jul Quebec City
29-Jul Quebec City-->Montreal 7:30--> 10:50 by Orleans Express
Montreal-->Toronto 12:00--> 19:25 by Coach
30-Jul Toronto
31-Jul Toronto <-->Niagara Falls 9:00<-->17:00 by Gray Line Tour/ CAD &88.79 (未稅)
1-Aug Toronto-->Calgary 11:00 13:09 by airplane
2-Aug Calgary-->Banff by Angel's homestay mother
3-Aug Banff
4-Aug Banff-->Jasper by Angel's homestay mother
5-Aug Jasper
6-Aug Jasper-->Edmonton by Angel's homestay mother
7-Aug Edmonton-->Calgary 7:00--> 10:20 by Greyhound CAD &55 (one way)
Calgary-->Vancouver 14:00--> 14:27 by airplane
8-Aug Vancouver
9-Aug Vancouver <-->Vicotria location tour 10:00am CAD $114
10-Aug Vancouver
11-Aug Vancouver
12-Aug Vancouver depart time 2:20am - by airplane
13-Aug Taipei arrived time5:10

<Hotel Info>
Jul 24th-->26th
" Montreal Y Hotel -->CAD $75(未稅)/ ONE DOUBLE ROOM for one night
1355, boul. René-Lévesque Ouest Montreal (Quebec) H3G 1T3
Tel. : 514.866.9942 info@ydesfemmesmtl.org

Jul 27th-->28th
"Le Manoir d'Auteuil" -->CAD $188 /one double room for two nights ,incolude the tax and breakfast
49, rue d'Auteuil Old-Quebec, Quebec
(Quebec) Canada G1R 4C2
Tel.: (418) 694-1173 Fax: (418) 694-0081

Jul 29th-->31st
"City's Heart Guest House-->CAD & 55 /one double room include tax and breakfast.
< cancel time:before 4 days >
8 Linden Street (Downtown Bloor & Yonge)
Toronto, Ontario M4Y 1V6
Phone:(416) 935-0188 Fax:(905)887-2874 Check in 1 pm,check out 11am

Aug 1st & Aug 6th
原訂下晚列YWCA的我們因為小百合的home媽,得以在Aug 1st改住Holiday inn (free) and Aug 6th改住Edmonton(小百合的homestay)....Very Lucky

"Mary Dover House/ Hotel -->CAD & 65 /one double room and one night
YWCA of Calgary 320-5th Ave SE Calgary, AB T2G 0E5
Phone: (403) 232-1599 Fax: (403) 263-4681

Aug 1st -->free becaure Angel's homestay mother
Calgary AB T2R 0G8 CA

Aug 2nd-->3rd
"Banff Y Mountain Lodge -->CAD $130/ one room for four people
Street Address: 102 Spray Avenue, Banff, Alberta
T: 403-762-3560 | F: 403-760-3202 "

Aug 4th-->5th
"Rainee's Rooms -->CAD $99/one double room for four people
6 Aspen Crescent,Jasper, Alberta (+780 852-5181) "

Aug 6th Angel's homestay (free)

Aug 7th-->10st (Terrible Hotel.....千萬不要住丫)
"Budget Inn Patricia(4nights)-->CAD&69 /double room for one night
< 403 E. Hastings St. Vancouver, BC Canada, V6A 1P6
http://www.budgetpathotel.bc.ca info@budgetpathotel.bc.ca
Local: 604.255.4301 Toll Free: 1.888.926.1017

<Bus Info>
Jul 27th and 29th
Orleans express--> CAD $57.51/Return (Quebec city<--> Montreal)
TEL:514-396-4000 ( 1-888-999-3977)

Jul 29th
Coach student discount CAD &51.2 for Montreal-->Toronto(one way )

<Tour Info>
Jul 31st CAD &88.79 (未稅)
Gray Line "Niagara Falls Freedom "Tour-8 Hours
TEL: 1-800-594-3310(1-800-440-3885)"

Aug 9th
CAD $114(S)
West Coast Sightseein " Victoria & Butchart Garden "tour

CAD $118(S) or &125 Gray Line Victoria Excursion & The Butchart Gardens Tour--12 Hours 30 Minutes (604) 879-3363< 1-800-440-3885> tour location