2009-10-08 19:09:49匹皮

Research life

In the research institute, we try to identify the truth of the things in our field.

We learn to how to think and establish some methods to solve problems.

However, the training is a long way.

We are not only learning how to study research but learn how to communicate with others.

There are many outstanding students, everyone have different goal of life.

It is a very competitive environment.

Sometimes, the life let me feel so tired and depressed.

But, I know it is my choice clearly, I have no reason to complain about it.

I am so desire to finish the life; I can become a bird to escape from here.

When I am afraid that I can not continue this training, I tell myself that it is just a process, everything will pass away.

The road is still faraway; the only way I can do is taking bravery to face the next day.

知退 2009-10-24 00:02:55


知退 2009-10-11 23:21:04
