最高境界... The highest level of....
學習的最高境界! (The most hardworking student)
比賽中的最高境界! (the most skillful contestant)
環衛車的最高境界! (The most environmental sweeper)
售貨員的最高境界! (The 'best' shopkeeper)
獻愛心的最高境界! (The dearest lover)
大學生宿舍的最高境界 The college dorm
愛的最高境界!? (The most 'honest' love)
交通肇事的最高境界! (the most weird accident)
運鈔車的最高境界! (The armored vehicle for transporting money)
汽車防盜的最高境界! (Anti-theft device in the car)
懶人衣掛的最高境界! (the most innovative hangers)
攝影師的最高境界! (the most skillful cameraman)
旅行家的最高境界! (what a traveler)
自行車的最高境界! (The bicycle!!!)
回收的最高境界! (Asking for 'unwanted' women for re-cycling)
溜狗的最高 境界! (New way of dog walking)
婚紗的最高境界! The wedding gown ...!!!
先買人身保險~~所小木屋内的廁所!The toilet
正宗的”寶馬”! (The real BMW)
甩賣的高境界! (Closing sale)
超載的最高境界! (Over capacity)
大家一起來 `~~ (Do it together)
超載的最高境界! (Another way of over capacity)
蛋糕的最高境界! (The cake for the 'ma-jong' player)
坐姿的最高境界! (Various sitting postures)
他們一天要 KISS多少次呢??(How many kisses a day???)
女生為啥愛 遲到?原因在此!!(Why she was late ...!!!)
蒸饅頭的最高境界! (Steaming the buns)