2009-05-05 05:27:35丫頭
virus infection
After Wesley's stomach flu, all of our family members are so so careful not to get sick, especially me. Because I am the one who spend more time than anyone else in the family with my 5 months old Andrew. Even I tried so hard, washing hands so frequently, avoiding talk to Andrew while changing diapers, without any doubt, the second member who got sick is --- Me. The Mami, just as the Doctor predicted.
The worse part is: My computer ( the one I can type Chinese characters) also got virus infection yesterday !! When I was searching the information about the outbreak of the stomach flue in Vancouver 2009, all of sudden, OH-O- that is it.
( even though I have my Mac, I still feel very upset of me not being careful)
What a day! Virus, I hate you!
I am trying so hard now to figur out how to use Chinese input in my Mac. Hopefully can start to write and post sooner! 2009-05-07 12:22:40