Annecy 2009 Live: 安錫國際動畫影展頭一天
There are 4 Taiwanese movies selected by the Festival of animated films in Annecy(France), I will see them in the coming days....
Here are some films I appreciate for the first day:
"Mary and Max"「瑪莉與馬可斯的交換日記」 by Adam Elliot(Australia) ---> 與美國片「可羅琳」(Coraline)並列安錫動畫長片水晶大獎!
He is always good at story-telling, I think his first feature film has suceeded...
Bravo, Adam!
-"Mary and Max" official website 「瑪莉與馬可斯的交換日記」官方網站(其實這兩個忘年之交是筆友,在此暫時以國人比較熟悉的用詞讓大家了解他們的關係)
-Trailor 「瑪莉與馬可斯的交換日記」預告
(Adam Elloit with his producer)
"The Necktie" by Jean-Francois Levesque(Canada): 「領帶人生」
The young director said that it's difficult to change the massive system of work that usually destroys people, but it's possible to do something...
The Chinese short film, "the Winter Solstice" (中國動畫短片「冬至」,中國北京電影學院碩士班生陳曦與安旭合作導演) seems influenced by the Russian director Kovalyov. The narration is quite interesting.
(Hope I could tape in Chinese finally to share more things with you...)
lilou 2009-08-04 00:47:38
lilou 2009-06-11 00:04:59