2010-03-30 15:02:21普通人

Thomas the Train in HK!

In Hk, there are many cute THomas the Train products and fun.

in Toyrus, they have more choices on their products  from Japan, North America, Taiwan..., way so many more choices that ERika really enjoys to stay there. But one thing really funny is: She still loves those made in N. America! hahahha. I think the reason is that : she feels that they are more familiar. In her memory she played them in Chapters, or the Mastermind in Canada. :) 


when we went to the playground (something like Chuck E Cheese) , they have THomas the Train there.. and I took a picture for her. Again, she gave me THAT smile... (very ugly!) 

This one looks better .... 

ONE BAD THING TODAY: I can't access to RAVELRY!! HOW COME?! WHy they block the knitting site?!


下一篇:Typhoon in HK!
