2006-07-14 22:52:13普通人


今天一早想看看鱷梨 (牛油果)的成份和好處, 無意地找到”十大對抗老化的食品”, 我想人人都想青春(雖然我們是無法把它永遠留住), 總愛吃得健康一點吧!


我亦特別推介鱷梨, 昨晚我用了這個鱷梨來做了一個菜, 大家不妨到我的’廚房’裡看看呀! (見台長作品簡介: 普通人的廚房)

鱷梨 (牛油果) - 含有維他命 E,能提升肌膚光澤。
莓類 - 含有維他命 B,能促進代謝作用。
甘筍 - 含有β胡蘿蔔素及鋅,可強化肌膚。
柑橘 (橙) - 含有豐富維他命 C。
葡萄 - 蘊含多酚,此乃強效抗氧化劑。
洋蔥 - 含豐富硒質,可加強免疫系統。
木瓜 - 含有保護性維他命 C。
三文魚 - 含有脂肪酸,可滋養肌膚。
菠菜 - 含有維他命 E、鐵質、β胡蘿蔔素及葉酸。
蕃茄 - 含有β胡蘿蔔素、鋅及維他命 B3。



Avocados are a surprisingly complete food, with fourteen minerals to stimulate growth, including iron and copper for your blood. The sodium and potassium in avocados keeps your body chemically balanced, and their low sugar content and absence of starch make them an ideal fruit for diabetics or hypoglycemics (choose small slices throughout the day to keep your sugar balanced). Vitamins in avocados include A, several B-complex, C, and E, as well as phosphorus and magnesium. They’re also a great source of antioxidants like vitamins E and C.
Because of their density, avocados, like bananas, are filling. But they are also a perfectly digestible slow-burning fuel, making them ideal for replenishing nutrients for athletes. They’re a great source of fruit oil and digestible fats, and they make excellent and healthy dips for raw vegetables. When blended with fruit, they make particularly nutritious baby food.

Avocados are also called alligator pears because of their shape and the color of their skin. The four hundred varieties of avocado are found throughout Mexico and South America. After planting an avocado tree, you’ll have to wait two to three years for it to bear fruit, but it’s worth the wait.



ziemon 2006-07-18 10:04:31


對呀, 吃多一點, 很多人愛用它來做salad. :) 2006-07-20 11:58:48