2004-04-16 22:25:29尚未設定

Eternal Sunshine of Spotless Mind


I just finish the movie tonight.

The movie is good, Kate is cute and sweet.

Though i think, you might think it's boring.

Good that i didn't go to see this movie with you.

Coz, I like this movie, but you might not.

I feel like to write something about the movie, but the feeling is all gone again, and it's hard for me to catch up all those memories after i had another coffee tonight.

I'm getting anxious again.

I feel like to call you so badly. But I don't even know where you are, what you're doing.

It's so sad that you can't actually share feeling with somebody in your life.

It's so empty, and lonely, in my room, on the way home, everywhere.

After the movie, guess everybody's tierd.

So, here I am.

When I was waiting for the bus, i feel like to call somebody so badly.

But actually, I have no one to make a phone call and actually, TALK.

wouldn't that be a bit pathetic of my life?

and suddenly I realise,

the best part of about love, is to miss somebody.

and the worst part about me is,

maybe the reason i love somebody,

is becoz I can't love him.

when the eternal sunshine of spotless mind,

is everywhere, in my life.