2004-11-30 02:20:42尚未設定

about my birthday..

oh.. 19 now.. i don't want to be 19.. but there's nothing i can do about it.. remember the time when i was 17 and going to be 18, i also said i don't want to be 18.. however..

some warm things happened but also some sad things.. i'll talk them from Friday.. that was a nice day.. ich habe viele Freunden um die Internet getroffen.. Mika, inocchi, peimin.. was a little bit sad when i talked to him.. but now it's ok.. and then i went to a pub with Carolina, Lucas and a guy also from Colombia.. we were going to Misalsa.. but they said it's too far.. the pub was ok.. we met a DJ from Portugal.. u can meet so many people from Latin America here.. of course, Turkish people r the most.. he helped us to get the cheap prise for the entrance.. u can see how powerful between the Latin people here r.. when we just entered.. the music was so great.. but after some time we started to dance.. it became a little bit %$&§$%.. that day Lucas behaved so strange.. asked me so many things also genteel and a little bit too much.. don't know what he's really thinking about..

the next day.. i went home from Carolina's house at about 2pm.. really touched when i saw the big chocolate cake in the living room.. after taking a quick shower, Matthias and me rushed to the supermarket.. i bought a lot of things for the party.. people here usually hold a party and invite all the friends to come.. but they have to pay the bill by themselves.. i think it's not such a good idea.. and at night.. not so many people came.. they either thought there's too far or not thing to do there.. the most sad thing was that there r three people came but left after one and half hour... they said they had another party to go and just left.. the pizza was even not ready.. really hurt that time.. i thought the party is not point.. the people who u meet and who u with is the most important thing.. cried a lot when peimin called later.. felt so embarrassing to invite them.. at 9:20, Carolina came.. she stayed that night.. Lucas also called that night.. i think that's the really friend should be.. doesn't matter how the environment and situation is.. they should still by ur side when u needed or at least try to let u feel better.. especially that kind of day........

however.. that's all about my birthday.. mix happiness and sadness...

ps. i took the pic with the same place when i came here.. u can see how different they r..