2004-11-20 01:55:54尚未設定

the first snowing day..

i really couldn't believe it when i saw the snow outside this morning.. so crazy for me.. although it's just a little bit.. i have talked to a guy from Taiwan months ago.. it hadn't snow in Berlin before Christmas for 2 years.. anyway.. it looks pretty.. i can understand a little bit why so many people like snow now..

Last weekend i met my contact person.. Sabine.. the first time.. i've been here almost three month and hadn't seen here before.. she just called me on last Friday.. She's really a nice and mild person.. we talked a lot.. my life, her life, Germany, traveling and also include my host situation.. that's the most important point that she wanted to talk with me.. she asked me if i liked there and if i had any chance, i'll be like to stay there or move..? i thought i would have any chance to move in this year.. but after this talk.. the voice starts again in my heart.. she talked with ICJA Germany for me about this.. i also talked to them.. and the thing is we still need a lot of discuss.. and we have a seminar here in Germany in December.. it is called "ZAS".. i thought i have to go to the one in North..(here is too big and of the financial reason they separated into two parts) Manuela also go to the ZAS in north.. and that's why they changed me to the Sough.. to let me have more freedom to talk about the things happenend these three month.... however..

and i talked to my friend in Finland today.. she asked her host family if it's ok for them that i go there after Christmas.. it's no problem.. and also Stefan helped me to call the travel agency for the flight ticket to Helsinki.. it's 276.04 EU.. not that expensive as i checked on the internet.. with Lufthansa.. so..... if everything goes well.. i'll go to Finland after Christmas... ha ha.. expecting with this...

ps. 1. i took this pic this morning from my bedroom.. that's the little garten in front of the house..
2. i just bought the speaker for Skype.. i talked with the friend in Finland.. and that is really really nice.. my username is: "lilac_ty" if any one want to talk to me.. contact me than..