2007-04-29 07:51:41Light寶貝

Sainsbury’s出包了─I’m NOT A Plastic Bag

沒錯,這次出包的正式大名鼎鼎的Sainsbury集團,他們爲了推廣大家用環保袋”I’m NOT A Plastic Bag”,於是他們與Anya Hindmarch(就是當年王菲提的那個相片包的牌子,在孫小乖家微風樓下有專櫃..應該是吧...還是京華城??太久沒回台灣了)

首先,他們批評Sainsbury這個包包是在中國製造的,他們質疑這個環保包的材料是否是環保並且是公平交易地(FAIR TRADE),同時要求Sainsbury提出中國勞工在製作這個包包時是拿到合理工資的証明。另一方面,他們也質疑這個包包位什麼不選擇在歐洲製作,節省因為運送所對環境造成的汙染。


蘋果日報今日我最美常常拍到的「國民包」--LV SPEEDY...不論真假,顯示了我們最於獨立思考價值觀的有待加強。

ㄧ個法國老牌的招牌包包,變成了台灣人的國民包?? 我認識的法國女生,很少人提這一款包包的。但是看看捷運上滿街的青少女說什麼也要買一個名牌包,似乎是把自己的自尊與價值賭在這個名牌包上面。
在消費文化的我瞎故我在當中--我們能不能對自己的消費負起一點點的環境責任和思考呢?? 我們的媒體與記者大人能不能在追著名人的奢華消費之外對於環境和世界多一點關心呢??

一家超市的「出包」事件,讓我們看到了市場行銷的魔力、群眾的渴望還有反省。有一天,我們的媒體也能在桃色新聞和大老的新西裝之外,對大企業主有這樣的反詰思考嗎?? 期待中

It’s in the bag, darling
By Denise Winterman
BBC News Magazine

The must-have bag of the season costs a fiver from a supermarket, and hits the shelves on Wednesday. Is it a fashion statement or for those taking a green stance - and does it matter?
This season sustainable is the new black. Eco-friendly used to be a byword for dull and worthy, but now it’s officially fashionable, darling.

The product spearheading the trend is a bag made from unbleached cotton, which cost £5 at selected Sainsbury’s stores and sold out within an hour of going on sale on Wednesday morning.

It might not sound A-list, but the bag emblazoned with ”I am not a plastic bag” has been designed by the ”queen of bagland” Anya Hindmarch.

The aim is simple, to encourage people not to use plastic carrier bags. The bag has been produced in partnership with We Are What We Do, a non-profit campaign group that has set out to change the world in small steps.

The bag’s must-have credentials were firmly secured when it was chosen as the goodie-bag for guests at the 2007 Vanity Fair Oscar night party. Only 20,000 are going on sale - each of the branches stocking it is restricted to just 30 bags and customers can buy only one each.

People queued for hours when a few of the bags were sold at Hindmarch’s London boutique last month, and they have been changing hands for up to £200 on eBay. The simple bag has become a symbol of ethical intent - and a very fashionable one at that.

Ethical intent

Brits use an estimated 10bn plastic carrier bags each year. But is this bag more of a fashion statement than a green one?

We use on average 167 a year
Only one in every 200 bags is recycled
Plastics can take up to 400 years to break down in a landfill
Source: We Are What We Do

It’s made of cotton but in China, perhaps not the most environmental choice given that it has to be shipped thousands of miles to the UK. And it’s cheap for a Hindmarch bag - hers typically sell for up to £1,000 - but it’s a lot more than the 10p charged for ”bags for life” available at most supermarkets.
But it doesn’t matter why people buy it, says one marketing expert. What’s important is the huge amounts of publicity the bag generates. On that score, the bag has been the charity’s most successful endeavour to date.

”So what if people buy it because it’s a fashion statement,” says Chris Arnold, creative partner at ethical marketing company Feel. ”If the person who uses the bag is shallow and driven by fashion, it still helps the planet because they haven’t used a plastic one.

”We have to accept that we live in a wealthy, consumer-based society and work with it. It’s easy to pick apart any ethical campaign, but if it helps make ethical values more fashionable, then that’s great.”

An ethical bag for keen consumers? This is something of an oxymoron, given that shopping in itself draws heavily on the planet’s resources.

Consciousness raising

Ms Hindmarch knows first-hand the power fashion has, and is prepared to use it. ”As a luxury fashion brand we are in a position where we can influence,” she says.

The bag was never designed to save the planet single-handedly - the purpose was to cast a spotlight on an important issue, says a spokesman for We Are What We Do.

The bag sends out a message that the consumer is intelligent
Jonathan Gabay
Brand expert

Some aspects of the project may not be ideal, such as producing the bag in China, but no one is making a profit and the bags were made in a factory ”deemed ethical” by the charity. The project was also carbon-offset.

”If this bag plants an idea in people’s heads that will make them think before automatically reaching for a plastic one then it’s a success,” he says.

It’s win-win for everyone involved, says brand expert Jonathan Gabay. ”The very smart thing about this bag is that it’s getting an important environmental message across to a mass market.

”The consumer looks good and so do all the companies involved. The bag sends out a message that the consumer is intelligent for buying it and the companies for producing it.”

By making the bag exclusive, Ms Hindmarch is not damaging her own upmarket brand, he adds.

zen 2007-08-27 21:54:12

要價一千 進貨價也要五百

看來 此款名牌應該是沒賺 完全是做公司形象
可惜 大失敗阿 行銷策略

天呀 真的也只要五鎊
2007-08-28 03:00:23
zen 2007-07-07 10:28:24

又 日本比台灣嚴重
再 LV在亞洲的營業額遠超過歐洲

這也沒什麼 換個角度想LV就像中國的老店 誰會去買自家老店的東西 當然是賣外國人囉 賺外匯

還 名牌其實不能怪設計師 名牌早幾年也很苦 是因為有個大商人開始趁名牌快倒閉的時候 大舉收購股票 納入旗下 例如變成LVHM 然後 就任商業蹂躪啦 名牌也很無辜阿 他也很想只做高級訂製服就好的活下去 偏偏 不行

話說回來 法國人真的很機車 自己一邊罵美國好萊塢和麥當勞的全球化 自己還不是靠高級名牌大肆進行全球化
看起來 美國人還真誠多了

驚濤駭浪的美好 2007-06-28 12:07:51

我喜歡裡面一位Chris說的 ”If the person who uses the bag is shallow and driven by fashion, it still helps the planet because they haven’t used a plastic one. "

剛看到台灣將7/6開賣此包,我想很多人會因為被訓練的要有時尚敏感度而無意識地去排了隊;也許有一些人堅持綠色主義;也或許更多的人(說不定我也是)因為時機歹歹,當成打工買到就網拍掉(笑),總之,資本主義刺激我們的物慾已經陷入一個無法控制的局面了,到底時尚是什麼?拿著所謂的非塑膠購物袋,去消費更多的工業產品?還是簡約而有品質的生活呢?也許,我適合把錢省下來,去FAIR TRADE小店多買一磅咖啡豆吧:)



2007-06-29 03:45:50