Angel & Devil in the House - our Pre Wedding [囍]
wonderful~~ Alvin and I finished our pre-wedding photo on Oct 30, 2010!!
You know? it's amazing!! both of us enjoy the day, enjoy the photo-taking, enjoy the weather, enjoy the dance, enjoy the ruins, enjoy the sunset, enjoy the wind, enjoy the costume, enjoy the make-up...
Enjoy everything appearing in the journey of our life!!
we walk along the street, the garden, the church, the river side, the mountain, and the heart of each other...
everywhere we go, everywhere we leave our love...
the people passing by, the air floating on... wah!! what a wonderful day!
it's my best memory of my pre-wedding photo~~
thx Jane for taking care of us
thx the Bosses, Ada & Mr. Leung of Paris Wedding for helping us
thx Ah-ling for makeup & hair-style
thx Ken of Paris Wedding for photographing
thx Angel & Devil who come from Germany for accompanying
finally.. thx Alvin.. my love..^^
上一篇:我和艾文的角落 - [囍]
好多人都會話影pre wedding photo 好辛苦...但其實辛唔辛苦在於你享唔享受...睇完你的心情餘述...我又諗返自己影相時的感受..至今仍覺開心&甜蜜