BASF Kids' Lab- an interactive chemistry lab established in Germany in 1997 by BASF, the world' s leading chemical company, is open to children aged from 6 to 12 worldwide and free to charge. Through BASF Kids' Lab, we wish to assist children in discovering the ever present chemistry that happens all around us and to give them the alluring experience that will stimulate their fascination for chemistry.
In 2002, BASF introduced the concept of “ BASF Kids' Lab“ to the Asia Pacific region for the first time. To this day, the BASF Kids' Lab has been held numerous times in the countries within the region, giving the local children wonderful hands-on experiences into the magical and intriguing realm of chemistry.
Not only has the BASF Kids' Lab been well received by the school-age children in these Asia Pacific countries, but also gained popular recognition from the local people. This year, BASF will have her 3rd. Kids' Lab in Taiwan. By providing a joyful atmosphere and fun environment through this program. BASF hopes that the children are able to gain interesting chemistry knowledge as well as raise their awareness and understanding toward protecting our natural surroundings.
Sponsor : BASF Taiwan Ltd. ‧ BASF Electronic Materials Taiwan ‧ BASF Polyurethanes Taiwan Co-Sponsor : National Taiwan Science Education Center ‧ National Taiwan University, Chemical Engineering Department
For more information, pls contact : BASF Taiwan Ltd. Tel. : 02-25187600 ext. : 645 or 602 |