2004-07-27 16:17:44Awin


1. The Two Gentlemen of Verona (1590~1591)
2. The Comedy of Errors (1590~1594)
3. The Taming of the Shrew (1590~1594)
4. A Midsummer-night’s Dream (1594~1595)
5. Romeo and Juliet (1595)
6. The Merchant of Venice (1596~1597)
7. Hamlet (1601~1602)
8. All’s Well That Ends Well (1602~1603)
9. King Lear (1605~1606)
10. Macbeth (1606)
11. Cymbeline (1610)
12. The Tempest (1610~1611)
The Winter’s Tale (1611)