2009-08-24 23:56:03風子

第六感生死戀 Ghost

第六感生死戀 Ghost


勇奪奧斯卡金像獎之[最佳女配角] (Whoopi Goldberg ) 及
藝人名稱 : Patrick Swayze Whoopi Goldberg Demi Moore   
推出日期: 2001-11-28
語言: 英語 Dolby 5.1
字幕: 英文, 繁體中文, 韓文, 泰文
制式: NTSC Wide Screen / 1.78:1  
片長: 127 (分鐘)

  一個混合了奇幻、驚慄的浪漫愛情故事。《拳霸街頭》、《辣身舞》的男主角Patrick Swayze與《邂逅》的女主角Demi Moore在片中飾演一對恩愛小夫妻森和慕莉。當他們二人興高采烈地為新居佈置時,森郤飛來橫禍,無辜地死於紐約街頭,慕莉哀悼丈夫驟然逝世之際,原來變成鬼魂的森因留戀塵世仍在人間遊蕩,千方百計跟慕莉聯絡,可惜人鬼殊途,森無法跟慕莉聯絡得上。幸好森遇到一個靈巫奧德美(Whoopi Goldberg),藉著她與慕莉溝通,但他得趕快一些,因為慕莉的生命正危在旦夕……
  此片榮獲奧斯卡金像大獎之最佳女配角(Whoopi Goldberg)及最佳原作劇本。

  Think of the most touching love story you ever saw. Think, too of the brightest comedy, the most astonishing supernatural tale and a sleek mystery-thriller. Did you come up with four separate films? Or are you among the millions of fans and critics who've discovered Ghost, the #1 film of 1990?

  Ghost will surprise you, delight you, make you believe. Patrick Swayze plays a ghost who teams with a psychic (Whoopi Goldberg) to uncover the truth behind his murder - and to rescue his sweetheart (Demi Moore) from a similar fate. The word of mouth is that Ghost is a must-see romance, says Entertainment Weekly. Ditto to that!