2011-05-20 16:27:31布魯斯

They Need to Be Counted

New York Times
May 19, 2011

They Need to Be Counted

It was a relief to see one politician showing political courage and sense in Albany this week. Of course, that politician was Mayor Michael Bloomberg of New York City and not a state lawmaker. But every bit helps.

Mr. Bloomberg went to Albany to press Senate Republicans to vote to legalize same-sex marriage. He warned that “the longer the Senate obstructs marriage equality, the heavier the price they will pay not only in the history books, but at the polls.” And he promised to put his cash and clout behind any senator who backed the legislation “no matter where they stand on any other issue.”

We hope the senators were listening. We hope Gov. Andrew Cuomo was also paying close attention. Mr. Cuomo says the state’s same-sex couples should be given the right to marry, but he wants to hold back the vote until he is sure the bill will pass — a position supported by some advocates for gay rights. That’s the wrong decision.

The issue is so important that it deserves a full debate and vote in the Legislature. New Yorkers should know who will stand up for this basic civil right and who won’t.

The Assembly is expected to pass the bill again this year with bipartisan support. It was defeated in the Senate in 2009. And right now it is probably six votes short of the 32 needed: 26 Democrats are in favor, four have indicated that they will vote no and nary a Republican senator has promised a yes vote. Until a bill is brought to the floor, they will be able to bob and weave and waffle.

Same-sex marriage is legal in five states and the District of Columbia. There is no reason, except prejudice, that New York is not on that list. Mr. Cuomo and leaders of both houses need to press for a vote before the Legislature adjourns on June 20. Mr. Cuomo needs to use all of his own political clout to ensure it passes.

No matter what the final count, the vote needs to happen. As Mayor Bloomberg declared, “The public has a right to know where their legislators stand.”