2009-08-30 23:43:22孤單巴蕾





..that I realize you don't even love.. me..

那麼 為何不甩掉我這個麻煩物呢?


你大可直接丟棄掉所有what I gave you.. 如果你覺得那是負擔的話, why not?

please do it now as what I say.. or ever said..


你大可以這樣做 你一定要讓我傷心我才會死心 事實就是如此阿





然後你要邀請我當你的婚禮招待or something like that, ..whatever..

maybe我會被你遺忘 或不擔任什麼重責大任I guess.. 哈哈是我自作多情了抱歉拉


你大可以對我喊出holy shit.., disgusting creature.., such a suker guy.., 

damn, you're gross.., or such as you bastard..

kinda this I think..

like I ever said..


you know.. things you don't even like.. you don't even need or use once..

the guestion is....

if you don't like these.., then....,

why do you still keep them? right?

you can just throw it away as you like.. or wish.. whatever

you can just throw it away..

you can just throw it away..

you can just throw it away..

you can just throw it away..

you can just throw it away..

you can just throw it away..

you can just throw it away..

you can just throw it away..

you can just throw it away..

you can just throw it away..

you can just throw it away..

you can just throw it away.., you know 

you can just throw it away.., then..

you can just throw it away..

you can just throw it away..

you can just throw it away..

you can just throw it away..

you can just throw it away..

you can just throw it away..

you can just throw it away..

you can just throw it away..

you can just throw it away..

you can just throw it away..

you can just throw it away..

you can just throw it away..

you can just throw it away..

you can just throw it away.., then..

you can just throw it away..

you can just throw it away..

you can just throw it away..

you can just throw it away..

you can just throw it away..

you can just throw it away..

you can just throw it away..

you can just throw it away..

you can just throw it away..

you can just throw it away.., then.., why not?

you can just throw it away..

you can just throw it away..

you can just throw it away..

you can just throw it away..

you can just throw it away..

then, what're you waiting for? what makes you so confused?

you just.., you knew, BE A MAN..果決一點 都丟了吧

連我們之間的回憶也一起.., please..

I'll appreciate for doing this..

如果要我刪除掉你的記憶 ; 與你這個人 ; 一起

all of those memories.. between us..

那我寧願從沒遇見過你 也從未曾知曉你這人過.., oh please.. give me a chance..,




and I wonder if you could tell me leave you directly..



在你丟棄那些的同時 我也會同時被你丟入絕望然後消失

不是在裝可憐 perhaps it's kinda有心理準備


no big deal.


如果你可扮黑臉.. 我..

不.. 不行我無法承受我是coward但你也是


why don't you just say it directly..

why don't you just say it directly.. why don't you just say it directly..

why don't you just say it directly.. why don't you just say it directly..

why don't you just say it directly.. why don't you just say it directly..

why don't you just say it directly.. why don't you just say it directly..

why don't you just say it directly.. why don't you just say it directly..

why don't you just say it directly.. why don't you just say it directly..

why don't you just say it directly.. why don't you just say it directly..

why don't you just say it directly.. why don't you just say it directly..

why don't you just say it directly.. why don't you just say it directly..

why don't you just say it directly.. why don't you just say it directly..

why don't you just say it directly.. why don't you just say it directly..

why don't you just say it directly.. why don't you just say it directly..

why don't you just say it directly.. why don't you just say it directly..

why don't you just say it directly.. why don't you just say it directly..

why don't you just say it directly.. why don't you just say it directly..

why don't you just say it directly.. why don't you just say it directly..

why don't you just say it directly.. why don't you just say it directly..

why don't you just say it directly.. why don't you just say it directly..

why don't you just say it directly.. why don't you just say it directly..

why don't you just say it directly.. why don't you just say it directly..

why don't you just say it directly.. why don't you just say it directly..

why don't you just say it directly.. why don't you just say it directly..

why don't you just say it directly.. why don't you just say it directly..

why don't you just say it directly.. why don't you just say it directly..

why don't you just say it directly.. why don't you just say it directly..

why don't you just say it directly.. why don't you just say it directly..

why don't you just say it directly.. why don't you just say it directly..

why don't you just say it directly.. why don't you just say it directly..

why don't you just say it directly.. why don't you just say it directly..

why don't you just say it directly.. why don't you just say it directly..

why don't you just say it directly.. why don't you just say it directly..

why don't you just say it directly.. why don't you just say it directly..

why don't you just say it directly.. why don't you just say it directly..

why don't you just say it directly.. why don't you just say it directly..

why don't you just say it directly.. why don't you just say it directly..

why don't you just say it directly.. why don't you just say it directly..

why don't you just say it directly.. why don't you just say it directly..

why don't you just say it directly.. why don't you just say it directly..

why don't you just say it directly.. why don't you just say it directly..

why don't you just say it directly.. why don't you just say it directly..

why don't you just say it directly.. why don't you just say it directly..

why don't you just say it directly.. why don't you just say it directly..

why don't you just say it directly.. why don't you just say it directly..

why don't you just say it directly.. why don't you just say it directly..

why don't you just say it directly..

,then.. why don't you tell me in direct..?














Marketa Irglova and Glen Hansard - If You Want Me

from the motion picture "Once" , the original soundtract - tract 02.



有誰會認真看? 我從不相信 像個傻瓜一樣

但如果你有放過歌詞 我就會看過 像小連那樣 因為我喜歡那首歌


也許你就會願意去找歌詞(?) 如果我對你來說真有如此重要(?)


have no idea..,


if I were important to you..


you would.. once..



更因為某天你上線時我剛好在聽這首歌 所以就更加確定要用這首歌


可是你依然在裡面不理我.. 唉..

not a word..

not even a goodbye..

我們搭巴士 我嘻笑 你注意 你轉移 你說話搭理 我刻意不理

我們被要求 你先走 我發呆 我驚醒 我尷尬 摸摸鼻子走到目的地

好像要下車了 我下了 一須臾 我才發現你早已不見了 我難過我失落

順序好像都錯置了我也記不清.. 好怪..























你很溫柔you're so kind你很貼心you're thoughtful你很沉穩哈哈好爛不知道英文了


你笑起來很可愛會令人春心蕩漾哈哈 而且我超愛看見你笑的時候與樣子(羞赧)


我心中可能是小兔子亂跳bunnies jump..





I just can't see anyone else around you..

It's only you.

and.., "I can't take my eyes off you."

而且"我看透了他的心 演著全是他和她的電影"

"你是自由的 我是附屬的 她是永遠的 我是錯誤的"

you will never know what's the meaning of "deadly attraction", will you?


然後宗教說deadly sin



我想能做到這樣的人真的是聖人with no doubt.





但至少我沒因此commit suicide

我也沒犯下什麼社會事件重罪 也沒上社會新聞頭版

why can't I?

我還是保有我自己的空間 只是心裡頭多住上了一個人或是心頭肉這樣



what big deal?

except.. 得失心是還是會有的..

但那又怎樣 我就還沒看過有人在戀愛這回事當中會不曾失望過的

,though.., it's been兩個男人這樣說過我..

,and.. you're the other..




我不想因此被你當成某個戀愛瘋子 少招惹為妙的那種..




我已經有足夠離開你的理由了I guess..