2004-10-20 13:16:28給吸血鬼的情歌
(Some things are best left unsaid.)
「I have no idea to this day what those two Itlian ladies were singing about.」
「Truth is, I don't want to know.」
「Some things are best left unsaid.」
「I like to think it was something so beautiful….」
「it can't be expressed by words…, and make your heart ache because of it.」
「I tell you, those voices soared…」
「higher and farther than anybody in this gray place dares to dream.」
「It was like some beautiful birds flapped into our drab cage …」
「and made those walls dissolve away.」
「And for the briefest of moments….」
「every last man in Shawshank felt free.」
「I had Mr. Mozart to keep me company.」
【Duettino:(”Sull’aria”)- “Che soave zeffiretto”
「刺激1995」電影原聲帶,第16軌,epic soundtrax,新力音樂,1994。【EK66621】
(DG古典王國46),1968/1994。【439 449-2】
(Some things are best left unsaid.)
「I have no idea to this day what those two Itlian ladies were singing about.」
「Truth is, I don't want to know.」
「Some things are best left unsaid.」
「I like to think it was something so beautiful….」
「it can't be expressed by words…, and make your heart ache because of it.」
「I tell you, those voices soared…」
「higher and farther than anybody in this gray place dares to dream.」
「It was like some beautiful birds flapped into our drab cage …」
「and made those walls dissolve away.」
「And for the briefest of moments….」
「every last man in Shawshank felt free.」
「I had Mr. Mozart to keep me company.」
【Duettino:(”Sull’aria”)- “Che soave zeffiretto”
「刺激1995」電影原聲帶,第16軌,epic soundtrax,新力音樂,1994。【EK66621】
(DG古典王國46),1968/1994。【439 449-2】