2006-10-22 11:23:41Louishakespeare

Lu’s nyc performances going-on

A)Silk Road $15 (09/16/06) YoyoMa and a number of young musicians (Carnegie Hall)

B)The Persians $ 55 (09/18/06) The National Greek Theatre (New York Center)

C)New York Philharmonic $12 (09/21/06) (Lincoln Center)

D)Fall of Dance $10 (09/30/06) A number of dance companies (New York Center)

E)Nine hills one vally $17 (10/13/07) Ratan Thiyam’s chorus repertory theatre of manipur (Brookly Academy of Muzik BAM)

F)Violet fire $20 (10/20/06) (BAM)

G)Waiting for Godot $20 Gate Theatre Dublin (Skirball Center) (10/28/06 pm2)

H) Yohen $20 Pan Asian Repertory (West End Theatre) (11/02/06 pm 8)

I)Pina Bausch $50 Pina Bausch Company (BAM)

School Performances