2005-11-15 08:25:03Louishakespeare

Playwriting status 11/14/05

I had individual conference with Prof today for my play.
Actually I didin’t accomplish my first draft but only with 3 scenes.
It’s my bad that I havne’t spent much time on the play, the roles and the theme.
It’s really rough time for me dealing with sexuality/love/relatioship issues in the play cos I have so many wonders in reality. These topics are beyond my ability but that’s why I wanna challenge myself to explore unknown land.
From the summer, fall to the early winter, I have been undergoing diverse stages for love/sexuality/relationship. Firstable,I’m glad I’ve changed. Secondable, it’s my honor to write them down in my play. Through theatrical art, I not merely examine my philosopy of life but reveal what I’ve discovered to readers.
After talking with Prof., I realized Jacqui, the protogonist in my play, is not I but an individual figure. We might have similar personalities but we live in different worlds. Jacqui is a symbol, an role to express what some girls have experiened and pondered. She is put in different situations with numbers of relationship with men. Readers see her changes and decisions. On the other hand, I, as a playwright, should scheme some dramatic scenes for characters rather than a speaker addressing what I’ve been thinking. Remeber, play is an art form though it’s established with sources from real world.
Later I might hang out with my American classmate, Susan. She will show me what typical new yorkers/ American girls do in the clubs. Ya, that’s one of playwright’s job to experience for her figures. Definately, it’s not absolute rules cos so many writers creat amazing stories w/o doing them.
In short, Jacqui is not Louisa. Play is art not reality. Besides, I need to improve English, and working ability (perfectionist)(teacher’s pet).What I want is happiness from my successful career. confidence,tough woman. No more girlish immaturity. And I will keep record my images via photos. They will be shown by various accesses