2005-05-11 10:10:17Louishakespeare
when I'm getting no youger, I realize more more wisdom which I learned from the textbooks, espcially from Chinese subject.
of course I did know the defintion of those sentences,however, it desn't mean I would do connection betw the viewpoints and my life.
in 2005, 君子,修身齊家治國平天下,are the first 2 lessons I experienced from my days and made meditation on.
Later, 「吃得苦中苦,方為人上人」「苦盡甘來」「登峰造極」are the subsequent philosophy derived from my recent daily refletion.
finally, Chinese is no more languague but a way to improve myself to be a better human being.
of course I did know the defintion of those sentences,however, it desn't mean I would do connection betw the viewpoints and my life.
in 2005, 君子,修身齊家治國平天下,are the first 2 lessons I experienced from my days and made meditation on.
Later, 「吃得苦中苦,方為人上人」「苦盡甘來」「登峰造極」are the subsequent philosophy derived from my recent daily refletion.
finally, Chinese is no more languague but a way to improve myself to be a better human being.