2005-04-30 06:39:05Louishakespeare

the world is upon our hands

commencement speech by XXXXXX
keep up good spirits

" There is no certain road map to success, either for individuals or for generation. Ultimately, it is a matter of judgment, a question of choice. In making that choice, let us remember that there is not a page of american history, of which we are proud, that was authored by a chronic complainer or phrophet of despair. We are doers. We have a responsibility, as others have had in theirs, not to be prisoners of history, but to shape history; a responsibility to fill the role of pathfinder, and to build with others a global network of purpose and law that will protect our citizens, defend our interests, preserve our values, and bequeath to future generations a lefacy as proud as the one we honor today."

I'm amazed by the deapth of the content. However, everyone can speak it out but few r able to do it. For obstacles in cruel as well as complicated reality, ppl would rather stay at comfort zone to enjoy their carefree life. I have been one of them;however, realization of my personality drives me to do break away in public policy arena. It's the manifesto though I haven't written down my own words but borrowed ppl's passage.
How far can I go to make the world different with my unstoppable passion?

"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I-
I took the one less traveled by
And that has made all the difference."
Robert Frost

slogan of xxxxxx

" We are in and of New York, so we are bold.
we are also in and of the world and so we are humble.
We know all too well the challenges of public servie,
the enormity of the work to be done,
the knowledge to be gained,
the inequities to be addressed.
We strive to make a difference, in education for public service and in public sevice itself.
Come join us "