2004-09-13 08:07:02尚未設定


Carl Pfeiffer博士是研究生化、情緒和營養的先驅者,他研究出來下列焦谷氨尿症症狀問答,若有十五題以上的症狀,最好檢測是否有焦谷氨尿症
1. 在小時候你是不是很容易曬傷?你的膚色是否比較蒼白?(When you were young, did you sunburn easily? Do you have fair or pale skin?)
2. 你的頭髮,眉毛或者睫毛是否稀疏?或者少年白?(Do you have a reduced amount of head hair, eye-brows, or eyelashes, or do you have prematurely gray hair?)
3. 你是無法回憶前一晚的夢境或者惡夢?(Do you have poor dream recall or nightmares?)
4. 隨著年紀的增長,你是否愈來愈傾向離群索居?或者減少參與任何社交活動來減少心情的起伏?(Are you becoming more of a loner as you age? Do you avoid outside stress because it upsets your emotional balance?)
5. 你是否自小就常感到焦慮、恐懼、或者內心掙扎,並且一直將這些感覺藏在心裡?(Have you been anxious, fearful, or felt a lot of inner tension since childhood but mostly hide these inner feelings from others?)
6. 有時候很難記起以前遇過的人或發生的事?(Is it hard to clearly recall past events and people in your life?)
7. 你是否每隔一陣子就有莫名的憂鬱感或者神精衰弱?(Do you have bouts of depression and/or nervous exhaustion?)
8. 你是否有頭痛?(Do you have cluster headaches?)
9. 你的眼睛是否對光線敏感?(Are you eyes sensitive to sunlight?)
10. 你家是否全是女兒或者有長得很像的姐妹?(Do you belong to an all-girl family, or have look-alike sisters?)
11. 你是否很容易感冒或者細菌感染?或者莫名的發傷?(Do you get frequent colds or infections, or unexplained chills or fevers?)
12. 你是否不喜歡蛋白質的食物?你是否曾是素食者?(Do you dislike eating protein? Have you ever been a vegetarian?)
13. 你的第二性徵是否比較晚出現?(Did you reach puberty later than normal?)
14. 你的指甲是否有白點?或者指甲顏色偏向不透明似的白?或者像紙張般薄?(Are there white spots/flecks on your fingernails, or do you have opaquely white or paper-thin nails?)
15. 你是否長期有面皰、濕疹、牛皮癬?(Are you prone to acne, eczema, or psoriasis?)
16. 你是否比較喜歡只和一、二個朋友作伴,不喜歡一群人的聚會?(Do you prefer the company of one or two close friends rather than a gathering of friends?)
17. 你的肌膚是否有類似妊娠紋似的痕跡?(Do you have stretch marks on your skin?)
18. 你是否感到一種甜甜的像水果臭味的口臭?或者當你生病或壓力大時會流汗?(Have you noticed a sweet smell(fruit odor) to your breath or sweat when ill or stressed?)
19. 你上排的牙齒(在矯正前)是否排列過於緊湊?(Do you have – or did you have, before braces – crowded upper front teeth?)
20. 你是否不喜歡吃早餐?或者早上起來感到輕微的反胃?(Do you prefer not to eat breakfast, or even experience light nausea in the morning?)
21. 當壓力大時,你的臉是否看起來腫腫地?(Does your face sometimes look swollen while under a lot of stress?)
22. 你的胃口是否不好或者味覺、嗅覺不靈敏?(Do you have a poor appetite, or a poor sense of smell or taste?)
23. 你是否有上腹部疼痛?小時候是否跑步時,肚子旁邊會有劇痛?(Do you have any upper abdominal, splenic pain? As a child, did you get a “stitch” in your side when you ran?)
24. 你是否比較專注於你的內心世界,忽視外在環境?(Do you tend to focus internally(on yourself) rather than on the external world?)
25. 你是否常感到疲乏?(Do you frequently experience fatigue?)
26. 你是否在陌生人前比較不自在?(Do you feel uncomfortable with strangers?)
27. 你的膝蓋是否會發出響聲或者疼痛?(Do you knees crack or ache?)
28. 對酒精、鎮靜劑或者其它藥物是否容易產生不適?(Do you overreact to tranquilizers, barbiturates, alcohol, or other drugs – that is, does a little produce a powerful response?)
29. 你是否不喜歡坐在餐廳的中間?(Does it bother you to be seated in a restaurant in the middle of the room?)
30. 你是否貧血?(are you anemic?)
31. 你的手或腳是否冰冷?(Do you have cold hands and/or feet?)
32. 受到批評時,你是否很容易難過?(Are you easily upset(internally) by criticism?)
33. 早晨起來時,是否容易便秘?(Do you have a tendency toward morning constipation?)
34. 小腿或者手臂是否容易有抽動的感覺或者抽筋?(Do you have tingling sensations or muscle spasms in your legs or arms?)
35. 如果改變你的生活起居(旅程或者突發狀況),你是否會感到壓力?(Do changes in your routine(traveling, new situations) provoke stress?)
36. 你是否把你的生活建築、圍繞在一個人身上?(Do you tend to become dependent on one person whom you build your life around?)
37. 你是否有許多情緒、精神上的問題?或者家族是否有飲酒過度的問題?