2019-05-04 08:31:47ldnbvnpnbfvp

【送禮酒推薦】Hauck Atlantic Plus Trio Set 最便宜禮物


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Hauck Atlantic Plus Trio Set 設計式樣: Melange Jeans/Caviar · 2018

Being extremely light in weight and super flexible, Hauck's Atlantic Pus Trio Set will delight you and your child from the very first day on. This multi-functional all-round set features premium materials and an elegant look. With the Atlantic Plus Trio Set, new parents are exceptionally well equipped and thus will master everyday life with a baby easily.

Carrycot, infant car seat as well as the reversible seat unit with a blanket for your little one's legs can be interchanged with only a few clicks. The lightweight aluminium chassis comes with lockable swivel front wheels that contribute to its easy manoeuvrability. The Atlantic Plus can now be used even longer: by featuring a maximum weight capacity of 22 kg it reaches far beyond the requirements of the legal norm.

Also mom and dad will be delighted by this trendy and versatile chap. The soft push bar can be adapted easily to your height and a practical bottle holder is included in delivery as well. A spacious shopping basket underneath the seat unit offers enough space to store all the necessities and niceties needed when traveling with a baby.

Your new-born baby enjoys lovely strolls while cuddling up in the cosy carrycot. The canopy and wind shield protect him properly. The Hauck infant car seat Comfort Fix provides a safe ride when travelling by car. A padded three-point harness fastens your child securely. The highly innovative, shock-absorbing PU foam guarantees maximum side impact protection. The Hauck infant car seat Comfort Fix can be transferred easily from car to the chassis of the Atlantic Plus and vice versa: simply click in the car seat and you are ready to run all your errands without waking up your little one - a flexible travel system which is both super practical and absolutely comfortable.

As soon as your child is taller, he or she can explore the world in the Hauck Atlantic pushchair. The seat unit is extremely light in weight and thus can be reversed easily. This way, your child can ride in either a rear facing or forward facing mode. In order to set the seat in your child's favourite position, you can easily adjust the backrest until it reaches a full recline position. The footrest can also be adjusted in several different levels. The large canopy can be pulled far over your child and protects him from sun, wind and rain. The colour-matching blanket for your little one's legs supplies him with additional protection.

This extremely lightweight set Atlantic Plus Trio it the best compromise for both town and country!


  • Items delivered: chassis, infant car seat Comfort Fix, carrycot, blanket for the legs, bottle holder

  • High-quality textile features

  • Suitable right from birth and up


  • Easy fix system - integrated adaptor

  • Lockable swivel front wheels, front wheel Ø 17 cm, rear wheel Ø 23 cm

  • Height-adjustable push bar: 98 to 105 cm

  • Material: aluminium

  • Size unfolded: 96 x 63 x 105 cm; size folded: 97 x 63 x 42 cm

  • Weight: 6,9 kg


  • Soft padding including mattress

  • Internal dimensions: 76 x 33 x 19 cm

Infant Car Seat Comfort Fix:

  • ECE R44/04

  • Group 0+ (up to a weight of 13 kg)

  • Attachment via car's own seat belt or Hauck Isofix base

  • One-hand release for pram and Isofix base

  • Head area and shoulder area with energy-absorbing foam (patented)

  • Three-point harness, detachable seat wedge

  • Cover: removable and washable

  • Size: 67 x 44 x 59 cm

  • Weight: 4,3 kg

Seat unit:

  • Including blanket for the legs

  • Backrest can be adjusted into full recline position

  • Reversible seat unit

  • Adjustable headrest

  • Sun canopy

  • Size: seat height: 49 cm, seat width: 30 cm




Hauck Atlantic Plus T特價產品送禮推薦rio Set







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